SVID Behavior
This item allows you to program the CPU’s SVID behavior based on the CPU’s quality. The
default option is based on
[Typical Scenario]
, but the more optimistic the mode selected,
the lower the temperature of the CPU.
[Intel’s Fail Safe]
is the default behavior of the
processor oblivious to the actual Motherboard design.
optimizes SVID behavior to
match input parameters such as VRM Loadline and Target Frequencies.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Best-Case Scenario] [Typical Scenario] [Worst-Case Scenario]
[Intel’s Fail Safe] [Trained]
CPU Core Ratio
This item allows you to set the CPU core ratios.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Sync All Cores] [By Core Usage] [AI Optimized]
[AI Optimized]
item appears only when you use an unlocked CPU.
The following item appears only when
CPU Core Ratio
is set to
[Sync All Cores]
ALL-Core Ratio Limit
to apply the CPU default Turbo Ratio setting or manually
assign a Core ratio limit to synchronize all cores.
The following item appears only when
CPU Core Ratio
is set to
[By Core Usage]
1-Core Ratio Limit
to apply the CPU default Turbo Ratio setting or manually
assign a 1-Core Limit value that must be higher than or equal to the
2-Core Ratio Limit.
2-Core Ratio Limit
to apply the CPU default Turbo Ratio setting or manually
assign a 2-core ratio limit that must be higher than or equal to the 3-core
ratio limit.
If you assign a value for 2-Core Ratio Limit, do not set the 1-Core Ratio Limit to
3-Core Ratio Limit
to apply the CPU default Turbo Ratio setting or manually
assign a 3-core ratio limit that must be higher than or equal to the 4-core
ratio limit.
If you assign a value for 3-Core Ratio Limit, do not set the 1-Core Ratio Limit and 2-Core
Ratio Limit to
4-Core Ratio Limit
to apply the CPU default Turbo Ratio setting or manually
assign a 4-core ratio limit that must be higher than or equal to the 5-core
ratio limit.
If you assign a value for 4-Core Ratio Limit, do not set the 1-Core Ratio Limit, 2-Core
Ratio Limit, and 3-Core Ratio Limit to