ASUS ATI VGA User’s Manual
Video Accelerator
Filtered horizontal & vertical scalers for TV-quality, full-screen & full-motion video
Integrated video line buffers support filtered video scaling
Color interpolation during scaling for improved high resolution video quality
Supports AMC for additional video expansion capabilities as follows:
Optional TV Tuner card available for video capture, video phone, TV overlay,
or TV tuner applications.
Optional MPEG-1 decoder for hardware video
Support for 26-pin VESA compatible VGA Feature Connector (VFC) that sup-
ports up to 1024x768 resolution.
Audio Features (PCI-AV264GT)
Creative Labs ViBRA 16C PnP Audio Chip
Full Duplex Support
16-bit or 8-bit PCM 5KHz to 44.1KHz
Wave Table Upgradeable
Software: Windows 95, Windows 3.1x, Wave Editor, Wave OLE, Quick CD,
Mixer Control, Quick Player, Audio Rack: CD Player, Midi Player, Wave Player
2D driver support
Register compatible with IBM VGA standards
BIOS compatible with VESA Super VGA
Full support of Microsoft DCI and DirectDraw
3D driver support
Microsoft Direct 3D including support for Reality Lab and OpenGL
ATI 3D RAGE DOS and Windows API
Intel 3DR
Easy-to-use Windows utilities
WinSwitch provides on-the-fly switching of resolution and color depth
within Windows
DeskTop supports panning and scrolling across a virtual workspace of
up to 1600x1200
Utility for selecting DPMS power-down time-outs
Video playback application and codec
Video codec support for MPEG, Indeo, and Cinepak
ATI MPEG video player application with VCR-like controls
Extensive software driver support for major applications and operating sys-
tems as follows:
3.1, Windows
95, Windows NT™, AutoCAD™,
Microstation™, OS/2
, VESA BIOS Extension support