ASUS CUR-DLSR User’s Manual
5. Motherboard Driver Installation
5. Driver Installation
Novell Netware
4. Installation of the Intel 82559 Network Adapter for NetWare 5.x or 4.xx is
Add or check the load and bind statements you need to the server’s
AUTOEXEC.NCF file so the PRO/100+ adapter driver loads automatically
load and bind the server driver as follows:
BIND IPX TO E100B NET=xxxxxxxx
Where: SLOT=x Specifies the NBI (NetWare Bus Interface) slot number. Sub-
stitute x with the valid value for the adapter. You will be prompted with the slot
number(s) of installed PRO/100+ adapters. The NBI numbers are different
from the slot number indicated in the SETUP.EXE utility. NET=xxxxxxxx is
the unique network address for that LAN segment. The default frame type is
802.2. If your workstation needs to use the 802.3 frame type, see the section
later in this document about using multiple frame types on one adapter.
C. NetWare 3.12 Installations
1. Copy the Intel PRO/100+ server drivers (\NWSERVER\E100B.LAN) from
ASUS driver support CD and any updated NLMs to a diskette.
2. Install NetWare 3.12 according to the NetWare instructions. And remember to
copy the Intel PRO/100+ driver into NetWare home directory c:\server.312.
3. Download LAN NLMs patch file “ODI33G.EXE” from Novel support web
site at “http:\\Support.novell.com”.
4. Copy the download file “ODI33G.EXE” to a temporary directory
5. Run ODI33G.EXE .It will create a new SERVER directory.
6. Run SERVER.EXE to startup the server. Execute load Install under NetWare
command prompt. Select and highlight “Product Options”. Press Enter to
load additional product.
7. Then use the INS key to add a product. Given the prior created path
8. Select Server to be installed. Press Yes to install the product. After finish the
product installation. Select Exit the product installation screen.
9. Form the System Console, enter the command LOAD E100B.LAN. When
console prompted for a slot number, accept the slot numbers displayed. Make
sure to write these slot numbers down for future reference.
10. Modify or/add the AUTOEXEC.BAT file as below:
BIND IPX TO E100B NET=yyyyyyyyyy
Where: SLOT=xxxxx can be specified at step 9.