Finger Keeper - Installation Guide
I nt r o d u c t i o n
The purpose of this document is to give guidance to approved contractors and suppliers who are engaged in
the fitting of safety and protection devices to doors for the safety of children and adults in the public and
private sector using the Astro Fingerkeeper.
T h e A s t r o F i n g e r K e e p e r S y s t e m
The Astro FIngerkeeper is a simple device that covers the hinge side of a door and prevents fingers from
being trapped between the door and the frame' Once fitted it guarantees that fingers are safe from painful
injuries caused by chilfren trapping their fingers in doors.
Fits most door types
A v a i l a b i l i t y
Available as 980mm or 1960mm lengths
Colours White, Brown, Black, Beige, Red, Grey, Blue, Yellow Teak and Beech.
I ns t a l l a t i o n
Check condition of door, ie hinges, its vertical plumbness etc. If in poor condition please call us before
As 95% of doors are two metres high finger protecta is cut to 1.960 metres in length making cutting a very
rare requirement during fitting. If you need to cut to size ensure the finger protecta is not more than 20mm
short of the door top or bottom, unless fitting for toddlers only, ensure no more than 20mm from the
Where footplates or kickplates are encountered always try to fit finger protecta device over them, except
in extreme cases where they are just too thick to get over and in these rare situations the installer must
bring the matter to the attention of the customer, who must then decide to either remove, cut and refit
the kick plate or run the risk of an accident.
Summary of Contents for FingerKeeper
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