4. INSTALLATION:_________________________________________________________________________________________________
4.1. Installation of the power supply
Always install the POWER SUPPLY of the Astralpool Chlore System VERTICALLY on a solid and rigid surface (wall) as shown in the
recommended installation diagram (Fig. 1). In order to guarantee a good state of conservation, the POWER SUPPLY should be installed in a
well-ventilated dry place. Due to IP degree of the POWER SUPPLY of the AstralPool Chlore Salt Electrolysis System should not be installed
outdoors. The POWER SUPPLY should be installed a bit distant from the electrolysis cell so that it cannot accidentally suffer water splashes.
Beware of corrosive atmosphere formation due to pH decreasing solutions (specially, those ones based on hydrochloric acid "HCl". Do not
install the Astralpool Chlore System near to any stores of these chemicals. We strongly recommend the use of chemicals based on sodium
bisulphate or diluted sulphuric acid.
Power supply must be connected to the electrical control box of the pool, so that the pump and the Astralpool Chlore System are turned on
(and off) simultaneously.
Fig.1 Recommended installation diagram.