Astra H-25E Installation And Operation Manual Download Page 1


Astra H-25 E 

Astra H-32 E 

Astra H-45 E


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Summary of Contents for H-25E


Page 2: ...ture of Water Returning to the Boiler 12 Heating Output Water Temperature and Water Flow Relationship 12 Installation of the Boiler Room 13 Requirements for the Chimney 13 6 FUEL 14 7 OPERATION 15 Front Control Panel 15 Rear Control Panel 16 Electronic Boiler Regulator KR 4 3D 16 Preparation for Firing 17 Kindling Procedure of the Boiler 18 Fire Bed and Tips for Effective Boiler Stoking 18 Regulat...

Page 3: ...ted soot and resin from the boiler flues as instructed in this manual 1 7 The room where the boiler is installed should have fire extinguishing tools fire extinguishers sand box shovel and other tools 1 8 Do not place flammable materials on or near the boiler 1 9 Connect the boiler to the electric system only via a three pole plug plugged into an adequate three pole socket with earthing Protect co...

Page 4: ...ingtotheflue 13 Returnwaterpipe 14 Damperoftheupperopeningtotheflue 15 Primary airinletopenings 16 Waterdrainnippel 17 Flowwaterpipe 18 Sensorsleeveofthesafetytemperaturelimiter95 Cvalve 19 Sensorsoftheelectronic controllerandsafetyventilatorshutdown95 Cthermostat 20 Rooftopcover 21 Pipesofthecoolingserpentineconnection 22 Combustionchambers 23 Uppercombustionchamberopeningtotheflue 24 Ceramicburn...

Page 5: ... Testing pressure of the boiler bar 3 0 3 0 4 0 Max allowable water temperature in the boiler C 108 108 108 Max allowable operating water temperature in the boiler C 95 95 95 Electric characteristics voltage V frequency Hz 220 50 220 50 220 50 average power used W 40 50 50 Level of electric protection of the boiler IP30 IP30 IP30 Dimensions height mm 1230 1230 1230 width mm 615 615 615 depth mm 76...

Page 6: ...on is found and after slightly loosening the poker yet without removing it from the hole the plate is allowed to descent ontotheoppositesideoftheheatexchangerduetotheforce ofgravityuntilittouchesthewalloftheheatexchangerwith Ceramic element Boiler type H 25E H 32E H 45E 1 Burner G 18 00 003 1 K 30 00 007 1 ŠK 50 07 001 1 2 Chopper G 18 00 002 1 ŠK 50 00 010 1 1 3 Segments G 18 00 004 4 4 4 Fig 3 T...

Page 7: ... the boiler and reduce the temperature of the smoke in the chimney it is sufficient to remove the ashes 1 2 times per week 4 TRANSPORTATION STORAGE UNPACKING Theheatingboileristobetransportedandpackagedinaccordancewiththedocumentationofthemanufacturer protected from precipitation and dust It can be transported only in vertical position fastened to avoid sliding and falling If the boiler istranspor...

Page 8: ...oilerexceeds95 C thevalveautomaticallyopenstheflowof coldwaterfromthepublicwatersupplynetworkthroughthecooling serpentine whereitabsorbstheexcessiveheatenergyandflowsout intothesewage Thesensorofthevalvewiththeexternalthread isscrewedontothesocketontherearwalloftheboiler Technical data of the thermostatic safety valve are the following Opening temperature 95 C Maximum operating temperature 110 C O...

Page 9: ...static Switch Membrane Expansion Vessel Thermostatic Mixing Valve Domestic Water Preparation From Water Supply Hot Water Air Outlet Other Notations Automatic Water Addition Valve Accumulation Tank Thermometer 3 Way Servo Drive Mixing Valve Return Overflow Valve Filter Heating System Supply Heating System Return Automatic Air Outlet Return Valve Valve Pressure Relief Valve Pump Thermometer Manomete...

Page 10: ... possible at a location easy to reach by hand pressure relief valves and control devices must conform to the following technical characteristics Instrument Technical characteristics Type of boiler Pressure relief valve Connectiondiam doesnotexceed set openingpressure2bar AstraH 25E AstraH 32E Pressure relief valve Connectiondiam doesnotexceed setopeningpressure2 5bar Astra H 45E Thermometer manome...

Page 11: ...tatas F saugiklis M ventiliatorius šildymo sistemos cirkuliacinis siurblys KR elektroninis valdiklis U vandens temperatūros jutikliai U U F X3 U 1 2 3 1 2 Fig 6 Circuit diagram of the boiler S1 power supply switch S2 ventilator switch SK emergency ventilator shutdown 95 C thermostat F fuse M ventilator circulation pump of the heating system KR electronic controller U1 2 water temperature sensors U...

Page 12: ...the dampers should be implemented by professional boiler installers Controlling the Temperature of Water Returning to the Boiler It is absolutely necessary to maintain the temperature of the water returning from the heating system to the boiler at a constant level no less than 65 C as this will prolong the lifetime of the boiler and will make the combustion process more effective This is because w...

Page 13: ...ea of the opening should be at least 0 001 m2 kW Placetheboilerasclosetotheflueaspossibleonahardconcretelevelledbasement Leaveatleast600mmgapbetweenthe backsidecasingoftheboilerandtheroomwallforboilerservicingandcleaning Thesmallestdistancebetweenalateralcasing oftheboilerandabuildingstructureis400mm Ifthebuildingstructureismadeofflammablematerials thisdistanceshouldbe doubled Afreelyapproachables...

Page 14: ...degrees Draught of the chimney can also be negatively affected by variousobstructionsnearthebuilding trees hills otherbuildings Fig 8presentstherecommendedminimalanglesbetweenthe chimney nearbyobjectsandthehorizon Angleslargerthanthoseindicatedwillcausereductionofdraughtofthechimney The connection of other devices to the chimney to which the boiler is connected is prohibited The chimney should be ...

Page 15: ...itwoodshouldbestackedwithsufficientgapsbetweenthemsothatthefreely circulatingaircanblowaway the moisture evaporated from the pieces of firewood thereshouldbesufficientspaceabovetheheapoffirewoodbelowtheroofandsufficientventilationtoremovethemoist air itisnotadvisabletostorefreshly cutfirewoodinabasementsincethefirewoodneedssunandfreeairmovementtodry Dry wood can be stored in the basement where suf...

Page 16: ...rentinthemainsexceeds2A Ifthe fuseisdamaged theboilerwillnotswitchonanditsindicatorlampswillnotlight Inthiscase removeandreplacethefuse The rear control panel of the boiler is grounded Electronic Boiler Regulator KR 4 3D The electronic boiler regulator KR 4 3D is designed for controlling a solid fuel boiler It controls the ventilator in accordance with the PID regulation law and the circulation pu...

Page 17: ...r If this lamp is lighting constantly it means that the ventilator is operating at 100 of its capacity Lamp 7 signals that the programming output channel is switched on Button 8 is used for service programming and can only be used by the specialists of the service company We do not recommend the user to modify the programming modes Theboilerregulatorisconnectedtotheboilercircuitinaccordancewiththe...

Page 18: ...ttime kindletheboilerusingonlypaperandsmallpiecesofwoodinordertosafelyremovethe moisture remaining in the ceramic elements Switchonthevoltage usingbutton2onthefrontcontrolpanel Theboilerwatertemperatureindicatorwilllightuponthe electronicregulator Fig 9 Settherequiredoutflowingboilerwatertemperatureusingthetemperaturesettingbuttons we recommend a temperature of at least 75 C or even better a highe...

Page 19: ...losethedoorandpushthehandleofthe damper3 Fig 1 Presstheknob P onthecontrollerpanel Theventilatorwillstartandtheboilerwillcontinueitsfiringmode Ifyoulacktimetostoketheboilerinthetwostagesmodeasdescribedabove thenstokeitbyonestage Theboilerwilloperate asusual Butifthereisthepossibilitytodoso usethetwostagesmodeinordertoachieveanevenmoreeffectivecombustion Regulation of the Boiler Temperature See the...

Page 20: ...ellow red Thenchecktheactual smoke temperature by pressing the controller knobs P and simultaneously As a result the screen should display a two digit numberrepresentingtheactualsmoketemperature Thenumbermustbemultipliedby10todeterminetheactualtemperature For example ifthenumber16isdisplayed thatmeansthattheactualmeasuredsmoketemperatureis160 C Thenumberwillstaylitfor 3seconds Duringthisperiod the...

Page 21: ...dling wood The boiler can burst Itisveryconvenienttousedrysandforemergencyextinction Thereshouldbe 50kgofdrysandintheboilerroom Sand not only isolates burning firewood well from the air oxygen but also cools down the burning zone Then when the boiler cools down sand can be easily cleaned and removed 8 POSSIBLE FAULTS Fault Cause Problem solution 1 The set temperature cannot be reached Not enough w...

Page 22: ...ccurred due to the manufacturer s fault the warranty term is not extended after removing the faults which have occurred during the warranty period boiler cleaning and heating system adjustment works are not covered by the warranty the damage caused to the premises and the property in the premises due to the boiler fault will not be compensated the warranty repair works and replacement of parts dur...

Page 23: ... Date of sale Signature BOILER INSTALLATION PROTOCOL Boiler was installed by Company technician Address Telephone Installation date Installation data Height of the chimney Diameter of the flue Draught of the chimney Otherinformationconcerninginstallation The boiler was tested on site the control and safety elements were checked and found to be operating properly Person responsible for installation...

Page 24: ...paired by Company technician Address Telephone Repair date Informationonfault worksperformed Signature of the technician Boiler repaired by Company technician Address Telephone Repair date Informationonfault worksperformed Signature of the technician ...

Page 25: ...larethattheabove mentionedproductsconformtotherequirementsofdirectives97 23 EECArticle2 3and2006 95 EEC The following standards were applied for the above mentioned products LST EN 303 5 LST EN 12828 LST EN 60335 1 LST EN 60529 ProcedureofconformityevaluationinaccordancewithArticle2 3of97 23 EECwasperformedby Inspecta www inspecta com Certification No 2 4 2 1 619 2012 Alytus 201 date Gražvydas Eim...
