36 Operation
UM5C06D ( 169-2071-504 ) P0831010 Standard 7.00 May 2001
Local ON/OFF control (AC breaker)
The AC input circuit breaker can be used to locally turn the rectifier
ON/OFF. The local ON/OFF control overrides remote control signals.
Remote ON/OFF control
When a battery return (BAT RTN) signal is applied to the 'Temporary
Release' (TR) input, the rectifier inhibits its operation ( no RFA will be
transmitted). Upon removal of the remote ground signal the rectifier returns
to normal operation.
Remote voltage sensing
Provision is made to extend the sensing leads to the battery or to the
charge / discharge bus (batteryless operation) of the plant. Opening either
sense lead will not adversely affect the rectifier output voltage and the
rectifier will default to internal sensing mode.
Sense fail alarm (SEN FAIL)
In the event that the remote sense leads are not connected or reversed, the
RC fuse on the controller fails, or the DC circuit breaker is opened. An alarm
will be transmitted through the signal connector only.
Current limiting
The rectifier will limit the output current to 30 A + 0.5 A (factory setting).
The current limit level can be adjusted between 12.5 A to 30 A at 54.5 V DC,
or to any combination limited to 1635 W of output power within the
adjustable voltage range. Extended periods of operation in the current
limiting mode and repeated transitions between constant-voltage operation
and constant-current operation will have no detrimental effect on the
rectifier’s performance, or service life.
The rectifier is capable of starting when connected across a completely
discharged battery without requiring human intervention or operation of
protection devices. Transitions from constant-voltage operation to constant-
current operation and constant-current operation to constant-voltage
operation will occur automatically as determined by the output current. The
current limit circuit will remain working in both the float and equalize modes.
Soft start / walk-in
The rectifier incorporates a walk-in circuit that limits the output current rise
to about 3 A +/- 0.5A every second.
AC inrush current
The AC current during the turn-on sequence of the rectifier, under all input
and output conditions specified in this document, will not exceed its full load
steady-state value.