4.2 Pulse input
The red cable is for pulse input from PLC system, and Max frequency at 60KHz. The motor
will rotate one revolution for every 256 input pulses. For one pulse given, motor will rotate
1/256 revolution, which is 1.4
, tolerance at
Under rated or lower torque, the motor will keep a steady speed of rated speed. When load
torque over rated value, there will be some variance of speed but basically motor keep the
speed steady. Over load torque shall not be higher than 120 mN
m or last longer than 3
seconds, otherwise the motor may overheat and cause malfunctions.
4.3 CW/CCW Control
Yellow pin is for rotating direction control. Clockwise and counter clockwise rotation of the
motor shaft is defined when looking from the front shaft side, looking down on the mounting
In high voltage level, then the motor rotates clockwise. If the voltage level is low, then motor
rotates counter-clockwise.
When the cable is not connected, it is same as high voltage level and motor rotates clockwise;
when the cable is connected to ground cable, it is same as low voltage level and motor rotates
CAUTION do not reverse the motor direction while the motor is rotating! It is highly
recommended to stop the motor before reversing motor rotational direction.
4.4 Feedback Pulse
For the red cable, it will give 32 pulses per revolution as feedbacks to the PLC system, and
could be used for monitoring motor operation condition.