4. System Settings:
Touch screen for lights on and long press # (need to verify master for further
verification) verify any master user → press 3 for system settings.
a. Time: After entering into system press 1 for time: Follow year (eg: 2020 also can
be 20)/month/date/hour/minute/ # for confirm.
b. Volume Adjustment: After entering into system settings press 3 for volume
(Press 6 for high & 4 for low).
c. Opening mode: After entering into system settings press 4 & then press 1 for
single user authentication & 2 for double authentication.
5. Setting Factory Default
Touch screen for lights on & long press #(need to verify master use for registration)
verify any registered master user → press 4 for factory default → input correct
master user and press # to confirm.
6. Other Information:
Touch screen for lights on & long press # (need to verify master use for further
registration) verify any registered master user → press 5 for information
a. Time settings: After entering into information checking step, press 1 to check
time input time and press to confirm.
b. Registered user: After entering into information checking step, press 3 to check
registered user & voice will prompts no. of registered fingerprint, Pin code & RFID
card users.
When Deleting fingerprint, one master user in fingerprint has to be left.
3. Delete registered fingerprint/card/password:
3.1. Deleting individual fingerprint:
Touch screen for lights on & long press 1 for
2 seconds. After voice prompts input fingerprint to delete, press fingerprint on
scanner to delete.
3.2. Deleting by user numbers:
Touch screen for lights on & long press 1 for
2 seconds. After voice prompts input fingerprint code to delete enter user
number of fingerprint to delete.
3.3. Delete all cards:
Touch screen for lights on & long press 2 for 2 seconds
press # to enter in to delete all cards option and # again to confirm deletion.
3.4. Delete corresponding password:
Touch screen for lights on & long press 4
for 2 seconds at this time input password code and press # to confirm.
3.5. Delete all password:
Touch screen for lights on & long press 4 for
2 seconds press # to delete all passwords.