V3.5 14/08/19
Page 790
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To enrol a user on the biometrics readers...
Using Traka32, configure a user with a 4 digit Primary PIN.
Please refer to the
Using the keypad on the Traka system, press # and enter the Primary Personal Identification Number (PIN)
followed by #.
Follow the on screen instructions.
It is very important that you place your finger on the reader in the same location and in the
same manner each time, otherwise verification will be difficult. Here are some tips on how to
achieve the best enrolment score...
Stand in a comfortable & natural position
Grab the reader with your hand and do not let go
Rock your finger onto the reader
When prompted to remove your finger, rock your finger back but do NOT let go of the reader
When promoted to place your finger, rock your finger forward onto the reader head again
Once completed you will be shown an enrolment score.
If the score is below 8/10 we recommend you remove the user's template and re-enrol.
section for more details on removing the user template.
If you are having problem with the enrolment, please refer to the
Prompt for Security Level when Enrolling
'Prompt for Security Level when Enrolling' is an optional firmware feature for the TSSI Biometrics reader that allows
you to choose the security level you wish to enrol at. When the 'Prompt for Security Level when Enrolling' option is
enabled, a user with a 4 digit Primary PIN (please refer to the
section for more details) who attempts
to access the cabinet will be confronted by the following message on the LCD...
Security Levels 1-5