V3.5 14/08/19
Page 794
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If you having problems when enrolling users or with verification then please try the following...
When enrolling do NOT rush
Always place your finger in the same location
Grab the reader with your hand and do not let go
Rock your finger onto the reader
Make sure you get at least an 8 out of 10 score when enrolling
Having dry, wet or very clean fingers can make a difference
Try wiping your finger on your forehead before enrolling or verifying. This may sound silly but this will put a
thin layer of grease on your finger making it much easier for the biometrics reader to read your fingerprint
When enrolling increase the sensitivity. This will ensure you get a good quality template.
To customise the sensitivity Level, right click the cabinet in your 'System Viewer' , scroll down to Biometrics Admin,
then select 'Configure Biometrics'.