6 Line
Installation Instructions
Bored Lock
A6286M 4/20
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part without the express written permission of SARGENT Manufacturing Company is prohibited.
1-800-727-5477 • www.sargentlock.com
1 Installation
Adjust for Door and Thickness
Rotate outside rose in or out, depending on door thickness.
Lock will fit any door from 1 3/8 “ to 1 3/4”.
Install Lock Unit
Lock unit housing must engage latch unit prongs and
retractor must engage latch tailpiece.
If guard bolt function is installed, do not attempt to mount lock
unit when door is closed. Guard bolt tailpiece will interfere.
Depress latch bolt slightly to allow retractor to engage latch
Attach Inside Rose
• Snap on roses
: Slip on retainer plate and fasten with two
machine screws. Position spring clip notch and snap rose
over retainer plate.
• Threaded type roses:
Slip rose over spindle and screw
down firmly using trim wrench provided.
Replace Inside Knob or Handle
Line up slot in shank with knob catch in spindle. Slide knob
or handle on to spindle. Depress knob catch and push knob
or handle into engaged position.
B knob sets should be in the unlocked position when replacing
the inside knob or handle
When a cylinder function lock is correctly installed, the key
should enter in this position
For 6U65 function
In an emergency, entrance to a locked door can be gained by inserting
a flat blade screwdriver into slot located in the center of the outside
button head.