Z97 Pro4
3.6 ASRock APP Shop
The ASRock APP Shop is an online store for purchasing and downloading software
applications for your ASRock computer. You can install various apps and support
utilities quickly and easily, and optimize your system and keep your motherboard
up to date simply with a few clicks.
on your desktop to access ASRock APP Shop utility.
*You need to be connected to the Internet to download apps from the ASRock APP Shop.
3.6.1 UI Overview
Category Panel
: The category panel contains several category tabs or buttons that
when selected the information panel below displays the relative information.
Information Panel
: The information panel in the center displays data about the
currently selected category and allows users to perform job-related tasks.
Hot News
: The hot news section displays the various latest news. Click on the image
to visit the website of the selected news and know more.
Information Panel
Hot News
Category Panel