3.4 Advanced Screen
In this section, you may set the configurations for the following items: CPU
Configuration, Chipset Configuration, Storage Configuration, Intel(R) Thunderbolt, Super
IO Configuration, ACPI Configuration, USB Configuration and T
rusted Computing
UEFI Setup Style
Allows you to select the default mode when entering the UEFI setup utility.
Configuration options: [Easy Mode] [Advanced Mode]
Active Page on Entry
Allows you to s
elect the default page when entering the UEFI setup utility.
Configuration options: [My Favorite] [Main] [OC Tweaker] [Advanced] [Tool] [H/
W Monitor] [Security] [Boot] [Exit]
When [Auto] is selected, the resolution will be set to 1920 x 1080 if the monitor sup-
ports Full HD resolution. If the monitor does not support Full HD resolution, then
the resolution will be set to 1024 x 768.
Setting wrong values in this section may cause the system to malfunction.