H61 Chipset
Other Motherboard without XFast USB Technology
ASRock Motherboard with XFast USB Technology
149504 KB/s
46407 KB/s
ATTO Disk Benchmark - 4K Read
ATTO Disk Benchmark - 4K Write
153854 KB/s
46753 KB/s
Other Motherboard without XFast USB Technology
ASRock Motherboard with XFast USB Technology
ASRock XFast USB Technology -
Faster Than Your Imagination!
ASRock XFast USB Technology -
Faster Than Your Imagination!
ASRock XFast USB Technology redefines the new standard in high performance computing. Proving once
again to be the pioneer in motherboard industry, ASRock XFast USB Series Motherboards integrate with
the latest XFast USB Technology which delivers the world's fastest USB data transfer speed. According to
the below graph, it shows that the ASRock XFast USB technology can even boost USB 3.0 performance up
to 229.08%!
(The rear I/O photo is example only)
USB 3.0 Benchmark