GT Core/Cache Voltage
Conigure the voltage for the CPU Core/Cache.
GT Load-Line Calibration
GPU Load-Line Calibration helps prevent GPU voltage droop when the system is
under heavy load.
DRAM Voltage
Use this to conigure DRAM Voltage. he default value is [Auto].
DRAM Activating Power Supply
Conigure the voltage for the DRAM Activating Power Supply.
VTT DDR Voltage
Conigure the VTT DDR Voltage.
PCH +1.0 Voltage
Conigure the chipset voltage (1.0V).
PCH PLL Voltage
Conigure the PCH PLL voltage.
VCCIO Voltage
Conigure the voltage for the VCCIO.
Boot CPU PLL Voltage
Conigure the voltage for the Boot CPU PLL.
Eventual CPU PLL Voltage
Conigure the voltage for the Eventual CPU PLL.
VCCSA Voltage
Conigure the voltage for the VCCSA.
VCC PLL Voltage
Conigure the voltage for the VCC PLL.
CPU Cold Bug Killer Voltage
Cold Bug Killer Voltage. Recommended to set 2.200V~2.400V for Ln2benching. It
will solve most of CPU cold bug.