Red light on: connection lost with MDVR
Flash with 0.5s interval: video loss of MDVR or HDD exception
Note: the error types are set by factory and user cannot modify.
4.2 Alarm Button
User can press or release the alarm button when the emergency happens, then the terminal will
send the alarm to the MDVR. The following action will be triggered:
The alarm of preset channel will be uploaded to CMS
Trigger alarm recording for preset channels
Stop emergency alarm when the button is released, the alarm recording won’t stop until
it reaches to the post recording period.
The log will contain all the info about the action of pressing and releasing the button.
4.3 Acceleration Sensor
The acceleration sensor is equipped on the terminal. The interval of signal acquisition is 100ms.
Make sure the terminal are placed in the horizontal plane so that the heading direction is X axis
and upward for Z axis.