• blinks yellow twice/second - 35%-65% full
• blinks yellow three times/second - 65% full or better
You may also view battery level using myAspenta app, it is updated every 30 minutes.
Status light will turn solid red when the battery level is under 15%.
Notifications let device owner and pre-defined contacts know of an event experienced by the device – those
depending on your settings can be delivered by SMS, email and in-app notification. myAspenta users with whom
you have shared your device will automatically receive in-app notifications.
Help Alert
- when the help button is pressed for two seconds or more, alert recipients will be notified that
the device user needs assistance.
Geofence Out Alert
- when the device has departed a predefined geofence.
Speed Alert
- when device has surpassed a pre-determined speed threshold.
Unauthorized Movement
– when device has detected unauthorized movement while armed.
External Power Cut Alert
– when the device has been disconnected from its primary power source.
Low Battery Alert
- low power notification sent when the battery life drops below 15%.
Following in-app notifications are sent only to device owner and myAspenta users with whom you have shared
your device:
External Power Connect
– when the device has been connected to its primary power source.
Geofence In Alert
- when the device has re-entered a predefined geofence.
– when the device has been armed.
– when the device has been disarmed.
Battery operated devices require the user to achieve a balance between battery life and performance. There is,
however, a direct and inverse relationship between the frequency of updates and the overall battery life, with
more frequent updates resulting in a shorter battery life. Many factors affect battery life. These factors include,
but are not limited to: region (rural or suburban), proximity to cell towers, indoor use versus outdoor use, cell
phone inhibitors placed in public areas such as schools, areas next to military bases, etc.
When your Vectu tracker indicates low battery (status light is red), recharge your battery as defined in the previous
section titled “Getting Started”.
To help keep Vectu up-to-date, firmware updates happen periodically and can be performed via Bluetooth ONLY
through the myAspenta mobile app. Firmware update feature will only work with smartphones that support
Bluetooth 4.0 and are running Android 4.3/iOS 7.0 and higher. You will receive in-app notification once firmware
update is available.
Battery Life
Up to 100 hours
Active Locator Service
Up to 30 hours of continuous location updates
Consider keeping Vectu constantly connected to the power source via USB cable in your vehicle for applications
that require more aggressive location updates.