Neo Mini Aerospace Speciality Products Page 3
the rings or remove a layer or two of the paper wrap from the inside of the centering ring (use your
knife to loosen an edge of the paper and carefully pull it out).
Take the engine tube, and with your
hobby knife make a small horizontal slit about 1/8" wide and 3/16" from one end of the tube. Make a
pencil mark 5/8" from the other end of the tube.
Slide First Centering
Ring Just Over Hook
Apply Glue Around
5/8" Mark
From End
of Tube
Make Slit Here
of Tube
First Centering
5/8" Mark
From End
of Tube
Second Centering
Make Slit Here
Figure A
Figure B
Slip one of the “hook” ends of the metal engine hook into the slit (you can hold the hook in place
with a small piece of tape if you need to) - be sure the hook is straight along and parallel to the
tube. Slip one of the centering rings over the top end of the tube (the end closest to the slit) and
down just over the hook. Apply a thin layer of glue to the outside of the engine tube just above the
5/8" mark (see Figure A) and slide the centering ring down until it is in the proper location (see
Figure B, this is the location of the “First Centering Ring”) - be sure to check the alignment of the
engine hook.
Take the Kevlar
and tie one end firmly around the middle of the engine tube and hook as shown in
Figure B. Slip the second centering ring over the loose end of the Kevlar
and down over the end
of the tube. Apply glue around the outside of the tube and slide the second ring in place as shown.
Apply a small amount of glue inside the top of the tube above the end of the metal hook and push
the engine block into place. Allow the glue to dry thoroughly.
2) Locate the white elastic shock cord. Take the loose end of the Kevlar® and one end of the
elastic and hold the ends evenly. Tie a simple overhand knot about 1/2" to 1" from the ends and
tighten down the knot firmly so the two pieces of material are held tightly together. If needed, trim
the loose ends to about 1/4" to 1/2" long. See these steps shown left to right in Figure C.
Make marks at
ends of arrows
on guide
Align marks at
ends of guide
Figure C
Figure D
3) Locate the white body tube. Very lightly sand the outside the of the tube with medium or fine
sandpaper until the surface just loses its shine. This will allow the glue to penetrate the paper of the
tube and the fins to stick to the tube better. Cut out the Tube Marking Guide from the last page of
these instructionst. Wrap the guide around the body tube - line up the marks on each end to align