5.3.3 DDNS
The DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Service) feature allows users to access the Network
Camera without the need of remembering the IP address, but rather using a name.
For example: http://www.mycamera.com
To be able to use the DDNS feature, a domain name must be registered first in a domain
name service from a 3rd party service provider, such as DynDNS (www.dyndns.org).
The DDNS feature only forwards the information between the Host Name server and the
Network Camera, therefore the Username and Password must be obtained from the 3rd
party service provider before using the feature.
Note: Refer to your Domain Name Service Provider for more information on setting up a
domain name. Some Domain Name Service providers charge a fee for the
registration, while some offer the service as free of charge. It will be in the user’s
decision which service to acquire.
In order to use the DDNS feature, it is assumed that the Network Camera already has
direct access to Internet.
For more information on how to allow the Network Camera to access the Internet, consult
with your Network Administrator.
After set up, click [Save] to save the settings.