10. Error diagnosis
Onl�� the
LED ma�� illuminate if the suppl�� voltage has been correctl�� connected. If one of the
illuminate, there is an error in the s��stem which can be pinpointed with the aid of the LED.
Error correction
LEDs are not
The suppl�� voltage is missing, too
low or has been connected incor
Check connections and suppl�� voltage:
- 24 V AC/DC at terminal
24 V AC/DC
- 230 V AC at terminals
L1 and N
Tolerance range: ±10%
A single red LED
is illuminated
Contact edge(s) not connected,
connected incorrectl�� or fault��
- Check the connections of the corresponding
contact edge (squeezed or brittle suppl��
lines, etc.)
- Check safet�� contact edge(s)*
One of the contact edge connections
is not being used
An�� contact edge connections that are not
being used must be permanentl�� bridged
using one of the supplied 8.2 kΩ resistors
Both of the red
are illuminated
The transmission line is fault�� or has
been installed incorrectl��
- Observe the mech. assembl�� instructions
(ISK safet�� transmission s��stem)
- Check transmission coil cores for abrasion.
- Check cable loop; make certain that both
transmission coil cores are in the cable loop
- Check cable / gate leaf contact points.
- Check suppl�� voltage**
Contact edge(s) not connected,
connected incorrectl�� or fault��
- Check the connections of the corresponding
contact edge (squeezed or brittle suppl��
lines, etc.)
- Check safet�� contact edge(s)*
* If the error is not related to the s��stem’s wiring, the proper function of the electronics can be tested b��
connecting an 8.2 k٠resistor to each of the SCE inputs on the ISK 74-31 electronic evaluation s��stem
Stationary Opening
) and to the travelling coil core (connections
). If the
electronics work perfectl�� after performing the test, the safet�� contact edges must be checked using an
ohmmeter. To do this, the respective connection on the SCE for the electronic evaluation s��stem or for
the travelling coil core must be disconnected and connected to an ohmmeter.
The resistance must be 8.2 kΩ ±500 Ω when the safet�� contact edge is inactive and must not exceed 500 Ω
when it is active.
** If both of the LEDs for the travelling SCEs (
Transmit Opening
Transmit Closing
) illuminate, there is
an error in the inductive signal transmission s��stem. The most frequent causes of these errors are bad
coil core connections, incorrectl�� installed cable s��stem components (see IKS safet�� transmission s��stem
assembl�� instructions) or an impermissibl�� low suppl�� voltage.
The maximum resistance value of the cable loop must not exceed 3 Ω. The resistance value can be measured
b�� disconnecting the steel cable from the ground terminal and then measuring the resistance between
the end of the steel cable and ground terminal.