Be Random
If you’re looking for something crazy, randomize the entire Mod Matrix! You might get lucky or
you might get nothing. You can always try again!
Before you do, though, try a few mod sources: the wheels, the ribbon controller, start the
arpeggiator, etc. There could be a hidden gem there. And once you get something interesting, dial
in a few changes to make it perfect. It’s okay, you can take all the credit! You’re the one who saw
what was cool about it; we just rolled the dice.
Modulation Sources
These are the mod sources available in the Hydrasynth Deluxe. A few may need explanation;
see below the chart.
Env 1, Env 2, Env 3, Env 4, Env 5
LFO [1]
LFO 1, LFO 2, LFO 3, LFO 4, LFO 5, LFO 1+, LFO 2+, LFO 3+, LFO 4+, LFO 5+
MonoAftT (Channel Aftertouch), PolyAftT (Polyphonic Aftertouch)
Keytrack (center note = C4 for all mod sources except filter keytrack [center =
Velo On (Note On velocity), Velo Off (Note Off velocity)
PitchWhl (Pitch wheel), ModWhl (Modulation wheel)
Ribbon [2]
RbnAbs (Ribbon Absolute bipolar), (Ribbon Absolute unipolar),
RbnRel (Ribbon Relative)
ExpPedal (Expression pedal), SusPedal (Sustain pedal)
Mod In 1, Mod In 2
MPE [3]
MPE-X, MPE-Yabs, MPE-Yrel
CC [000-127]
[1] An LFO is normally a bipolar source. A plus sign [+] indicates a unipolar source derived from
that LFO.
[2] See
The Ribbon as a Mod Source (p. 77)
for a description of each mode.
[3] MPE-X = pitch bend
MPE-Yabs = CC# 74 in some devices (absolute mode)
MPE-Yrel = CC# 74 in some devices (relative mode)