A tumble
A good tumble dryer should have
the capacity to cope with a large
amount of laundry with high air
flow. Because only then can the
optimal result be achieved. This is
not something you have to worry
about, as our designers have already used these factors as the basis when
making our tumble dryers. Our tumble dryers also have a unique butterfly
drying system that’s par ticularly gentle on your clothes, and even saves the
need to iron many of the garments. The result is a tumble dryer that lasts
for many years, just like the clothes you wash and dry. So take a closer
look at our machines to see how they can make your life a little easier.
The most relevant feature to the durability of the
machine, apart from materials and construction, is the
motor. If you want to minimize strain on the motor,
you’ll need a non-stop dryer, which Asko’s tumble
dryers have. As reversing dryers wear the motor out
more quickly.
Dry without creasing
Many sensitive materials can only be tumble dried
if you make sure they don’t tumble for too long or
at too high a temperature. A tumble dryer is very
much like an iron on synthetic fabrics: a synthetic
garment that’s tum ble dried at the ideal temperature
until “dry” and then taken out imme diately, doesn’t
need ironing! It’s important to be able to lower the
tem perature, and also that the ma chine has sensitive
sensors that accurately gauge moisture and tempe-
Prevents shrinkage and creasing.
Sensidry™ is a unique system developed by ASKO.
Interaction be tween temperature sensors makes
the drying result more even and more reliable
than that of a conventional type sensor. Thereby
SensiDry™ eliminates the clothes risk of over-
drying, shrinking and creasing.
Scandinavian built and designed
Because our machines have such a long life, the
design has to be able to stand the test of time equal-
ly well. Our tumble dryers there fore have a simple
design that goes perfectly with our washers, are easy
to understand and use, and find a natural place in any
Simple and convenient
Just push a button and then start. ASKO tumble
dryer measures air humidity and temperature and
stops the program when the laundry reaches the dry
level that you have chosen.
Con sump tion figures are one of ASKO’s distinguishing
characteristics. Our new range of tumble dryers are
rated with 2 stars in energy.
T712C depicted