possible that the software application has high demands
on time response.
The way of communication through USB is very different
than communication through RS232. USB uses packets
of 64 B size. Furthermore, a RS-232 device device can
receive only on PC request. Hence it is almost
impossible to assure time response lower than about
1 ms.
Time response settings can be done in
Control Panel/Device/Manager/Ports/.../Port Settings/
/Latency Timer. In case of troubles set this number to
1 ms.
User OEM
The UCAB232i converter allows user to design an OEM
application after which the converter is found and listed
as a customer hardware.
For doing this, it is necessary to modify drivers,
particularly, to change the UCAB232i converter VID and
PID, which are originally set to 0403 / 6001, to customer
numbers and write these numbers with the MPROG
utility to the converter EEPROM.
Before a modification of EEPROM it is advisable to
create a backup of EEPROM in case there is any
trouble with VID/PID identifiers.
Page 11
2 DRIVERS -> 2.4 User OEM Application
Fig. 4: COM port Enhanced Settings