ISP2ZIF is an adapter for programming of all types of devices with in-circuit
serial programming (ISP), especially with the PRESTO programmer (by ASIX
s.r.o.). The adapter is provided with the Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket.
Insert a device to be programmed into the ZIF socket. Use any of two
programming connectors of the adapter to connect the PRESTO programmer
via ICSPCAB8 cable provided with PRESTO. Connect programming signals to
corresponding pins of the device by plugging jumpers to appropriate positions
in the pin array. Any of seven signals of the ISP interface (VPP, VDD, GND,
DATA, CLK, MISO a LVP) can be connected to any of pins of the device. Device
pins are DIP40-like numbered and ISP signals are labeled on the PCB.
Connection is crossed, i.e. layout of the signals of device pins and ISP signals
are routed in lines and columns, respectively. Selected pin is connected to
desired signal by plugging a jumper to the corresponding position.
The adapter is suitable not only for the PRESTO programmer and not only for
Microchip devices. Connection must always be in accordance with ISP
programming requirements (see manufacturer's datasheet). SMD devices can
be programmed with pin converter depending of the device package.
Incorrect jumper settings can cause damage to the
programmer and the device.
Manufactured by:
ASIX s.r.o., Staropramenna 4, 150 00 Prague, Czech Republic
+420 257 312 378
+420 257 329 116
Copyright © 1991-2011 ASIX s.r.o.
All trademarks used in this document are properties of their respective owners. This
information is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. We
disclaim any liability for the accuracy of this information. We are not responsible for the
contents of web pages referenced by this document.
: Typical examples of jumper settings for PIC microcontrollers.
Examples are intended for user guidance only (for understanding how the pin
array works). User's connection must always correspond to the device