When feeding fibre into the small drum, use the PUSH STICK provided. Keep fingers well clear of the teeth.
Wear thick gloves to protect your fingers. Do not wear any loose clothing or accessories when operating the EDC30.
For best results use clean washed fleece or fibre. Select
the FORWARD mode, turn both SPEED and DRUM RATIO
knobs anti-clockwise to slow. Adjust the packer brush
so it is lightly pressed into the large drum teeth and
tighten the lock knobs. Ensure the DRUM COVER is
sitting down on the infeed tray to activate the magnetic
safety switch. Turn ON the power. Place a few of your
teased staples cut end first onto the infeed tray. Use the
PUSH STICK to push the fibre up to the small drum.
Start carding by pressing the RUN-INCH button or
knobs slowly clockwise to start the motors and adjust
the speed to suit the fibre you are carding. The slower
the small drum turns the better the result. Feed fibre
evenly across the width of the tray. Avoid feeding too
much fibre into the small drum at a time. Do not hold
the fibres back, otherwise they will collect on the small
Always make sure the fibre is confined
within the pegs on the infeed tray to ensure fibre does
not get wrapped around the shafts.
Stop carding when the teeth on the large drum are full
across the width of the drum or fibre starts collecting on
the small drum.
The EDC30 is fitted with a safety overload cut out switch. If the EDC30 stops due to over-loading, turn the power OFF,
lift the DRUM COVER and fold it back out of the way, tilt the packer brush up out of the large drum and select the
UNWIND mode. Turn the power ON and use the RUN-INCH button or FOOT SWITCH to turn the drums to clear to the
How to remove a batt
Loosen the knobs on the DRUM COVER and fold it back out of the way. Loosen the lock knobs on the packer brush
and tilt it up and away from the large drum. Select the UNWIND mode. Turn the power ON and use the RUN-INCH
button or FOOTSWITCH to rotate the large drum until the aluminium doffer strip is to the top. Then use the doffer to
lift and separate small sections of the batt from the drum. Once the batt has been separated, use 2 hands to lift the
batt up off the teeth and down over the back of the rail. Use the FOOT SWITCH to turn the drum pulling the batt free
of the teeth.