oN-sIte WIreless commUNIcAtIoNs For qUIcker resPoNse –
reGArDless oF tecHNoloGy
Messaging, personal security and cordless telephony – all-in-one
The Ascom concept for cordless communication has been developed to
increase the accessibility and security of people on the move in their work-
place. Each system can be fully integrated with any of the others, as well
as with a number of other applications.
All Ascom systems can be extended and updated with new applications
and features. Furthermore, they are fully compatible with earlier versions as
well as with other open systems.
Smart integration with your existing systems
Our solutions integrate smoothly with a wide range of systems, including ERP,
MES, RMS, HIS, LIS, PACS, RIS (the latter four within healthcare), technical and
administrative systems, plus LAN, PBXs and existing IT-infrastructure.
Our solutions are future-proof. You can easily upgrade your wireless
solution and introduce new systems without breaking the bank.
Wireless Solutions
P.O. Box 8783 SE-402 76 Göteborg, Sweden
T +46 31 55 93 00 | F +46 31 55 20 31
0274301 V
er F © Ascom (
sweden) AB
specifications are subject to change without notice.