regressioN testiNg
Regression testing is essential when you need to know that new or
upgraded services are safe to launch to your customers.
Modern, next-generation services involving Web 2.0 components or
VoIP services interact in such complex ways, even simple changes can cause
faults. Even traditional, hardened services like SMS or voice can fail given
the number of elements involved in delivering them.
The only way to be sure that your service is ready is to test it from the
end user’s point of view. Manual testing is expensive, time-consuming, and
error prone, and a real handset can’t give you the technical detail needed
to diagnose a problem and fix it quickly.
test Before and after
Either by using our prepackaged Standard Scripts, or by creating your
own, regression testing is a simple case of running your test(s) before and
after the installation/upgrade of your new service and seeing the difference
in results (easy to do with the built-in reporting tool, Box Office).
A typical regression test suite for testing an MMS-C would send differ-
ent content types to all your important handsets and verify that the content
adaptation engine successfully transcoded all MMS messages depending on
the receiving device. For example: if the receiving handset can’t handle video
has it been transcoded to an animated GIF image?
interactive Control
In addition, Monitor Master supports live interactive control of test
agents, called Interactive Mode, allowing test engineers to interact with
the network and perform voice, text, or data functions. This is perfect for
quick ad-hoc testing, to give a real, live impression of the performance of
your services.
Monitor Master is the perfect tool to test and diagnose any problems
you may have with your new and upgraded services.
Many customers have used Monitor Master for regression testing, and
have been able to isolate issues quickly and resolve them. In one particular
instance, after a customer upgraded their SMSC platform, Monitor Master
reported increased MMS notification times. On further investigation, it was
noticed that the new SMSC Push Proxy Gateway (PPG), used to handle these
notifications, had not been configured correctly after the upgrade. By cor-
recting this before the new SMSC platform went live, the operator made
sure their subscribers did not experience the problem.
keY PoiNts
Test new and upgraded services
prior to launch
Interactively test services at any
Tailor reports to meet the needs of
your new services
Before and after trend comparison
Trace level data for diagnosis of
upgrade to sms infrastructure resulted in degraded
end-to-end performance.