ASCOM d41 DECT Datasheet Download Page 2

Basic or Advanced – let your demands decide

As you know, your workplace or nature of your business has a pro-
found effect on how you want to steer internal communication. With 
this in mind, Ascom created the d41 in two different license dependent 
versions – Basic or Advanced. the d41 Basic is an ideal solution for 
users with less complex demands but who still require quality hand-
sets that can be relied upon for intense daily use. In its Advanced 
form, the d41 features centralised Management, central phonebook 
and the capacity to display short messages – features designed to 
enhance  communication  possibilities  and  reduce  system  mainte-
nance and administration time.

Smoother upgrades and reduced downtime through  
Centralised Management (licensed)

does your internal communication system truly reflect your need for 
flexibility and the capacity to react quickly without causing unneces-
sary interruptions? Many businesses told us that this was not the 
case, and as a result we developed a new centralised Management 
concept that allows for smooth, trouble-free software upgrades and 
parameter synchronisations. the individual settings on each handset 
are stored centrally, negating the need to collect handsets for admin-
istration and upgrades. this solution also allows for handset over-
views without disturbing the user or your operations. With an Ip-dect 
system, administration of end-user devices can be easily facilitated 
over the air (otA). In a traditional dect system, this takes place when 
the handset is in the charging station. Both systems offer administra-
tors substantial benefits in terms of time management.

Keep everyone in the loop with the Central Phonebook

the advanced version of the d41 offers direct access to one common 
number database allowing everyone to utilise the same information. 
this feature also ensures that contact information is always fully up 
to date. 

 product sheet: AscoM d41 


Call list 

Displaying the 25 last calls 

Central phonebook

Access on the move to the corporate phone book (licensed)

Downloadable language

11 languages including cyrillic alphabet ava 1 customized

Dynamic output power 

Reduces transmitting power depending on distance to base station


Standard connector (2.5 mm)

Keypad lock

Manual and automatic 

Large illuminated display

The display is B/W and Grey 

Local phonebook

Quick access to your favourite phone numbers. Stores 750 entries


Frees up your hands and allows you to have a conference call on the spot


A call can be discretely received. The vibrator also helps to alert the user in noisy environments


  Leather case

  Swivel clip

  Security string

  Headset with microphone on cable

  Headset with microphone on boom


  Basic Desktop charger

   Advanced desktop charger. Support 

for centralised management concept.

  Charging rack. Support for  

centralised management concept.

10.2008 M0278801 V

er A    © Ascom (Sweden) AB     Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Ascom Wireless Solutions 

p.o. Box 8783 se-402 76 Göteborg, sweden
t +46 31 55 93 00 | F +46 31 55 20 31
