RefeRence case: THe fInnIsH Defence fORces
The Finnish Defence Forces` Communication Needs
In the finnish Defence forces, communication and command play a
vital role. In recent years the role of communication has changed and
become more important than ever before. “communication in all of its forms
plays a central role in the finnish Defence forces. With the help of
communication and technology, we can utilize our resources more
communication systems play vital role during co-operation and joint
operations within our organization and with other parties.
earlier, the biggest problem was that our information system
consisted of several separate systems that did not communicate properly
with each other. Transferring data from one system to another was difficult,
since these systems were not compatible. Maintenance of these systems
became expensive, and our own organization needed a system that would
be generally interoperable from one system to another within the finnish
Defence forces,” says colonel Kyösti Halonen from the Defence staff of the
finnish Defence forces.
Ascom Access Node in an Integrator Role
“at the moment, the ascom access node integrates our systems. as
the army, navy and air force have different and separate systems, the
ascom access node functions as an integrating interface enabling these
systems to communicate with each other. On the other hand, the Defence
staff is responsible for the finnish Defence forces’ core network and
common services. at this interface, the ascom access node functions as a
device which connects the army, navy and air force to the network
maintained by the Defence staff. Thanks to the ascom access node,
different data networks and information systems now work better
together”, colonel Halonen says.
now we can transfer information electronically from one system to
another. This technology is compatible with various systems used both
nationally and internationally. Taking a long-term view, it becomes a cost
effective solution as well since we don’t use overlapping systems for the
same tasks. furthermore, this technology and the network is secure. The
information is standardized in order to be used by every person of our
organization. This improves our means and capabilities in management and
command”, Halonen continues.
“The ascom access node is developed to
be suitable for wartime use. In addition, the
ascom access node has been used in crisis
management operations. The ascom access
node is part of wartime equipment of the finnish
Defence forces, and it was developed for local
communication corps’ use. I can’t imagine how
we would manage without the ascom access
node anymore,” colonel Halonen says.