RefeRence case
ascom access node
customer: The finnish Defence forces
ascom openaccess®
BASED ON ASCOM openAccess®
In 2001, the finnish Defence forces saw a
clear need for a new communication solution
which bases on a commercial product in order to
integrate different systems and perform
different functions simultaneously. This product
should also meet new challenges in mobile
warfare from a management and command
point of view. Traditional technology was
considered to be limited in its ability to provide
sufficient interfaces, flexibility, capacity,
mobility, scalability, security and possibilities for
decentralized operations. The new technology
should offer higher capacity, quicker response
and more efficient communication for both fixed
and mobile troops. This was the basis for the
development of the ascom openaccess®
technology and the ascom access node as a first
product built upon it.
ascom Tactical access nodes can be securely interconnected to form
highly scaleable communications networks for transmitting voice, data, and
video over copper, fibre, or existing wired and wireless networks and infra-
structures. as an all-IP solution, the ascom Tactical access node enables the
full benefits of powerful Qos, traffic prioritization, and security features for
all network traffic.
The ascom Tactical access node is easy to setup and manage and can
be deployed in a full range of operational environments. It is customisable
and supports all the required network interfaces and functional features
necessary to enable modern voice and data communications infrastructures
to be rapidly, easily, and flexibly constructed.
The ascom Tactical access node is ideal for a large variety of perma-
nent and ad-hoc deployments. It connects office and field devices, both
wired and wireless, into a fully functioning all-IP network. It can connect
scattered local area networks into virtual Lans over various transmission
technologies, including sDH, DWDM, and satellite infrastructure. The ascom
Tactical access node can create virtual private networks within IP networks
and secure these VPns with effective encryption. Traffic of different
security levels can also be separated physically so that each connection
carries only the traffic from a specified security level.