G l o s s a r y
G -4
IP address
Internet Protocol address. Internet Protocol is a network layer
protocol developed with the Transmission Control Protocol. The
address is the unique identifier of a device connected to such a
network using the TCP/IP protocol.
interrupt request
An interruption in microprocessor activity provided in order
to communicate with hardware and software.
k b
Light emitting diode.
local area
A local group of computers and devices in a relatively small
network (LAN) area, connected by cabling to a common transmission medium,
allowing users to share resources and exchange files. A link that
enables any device to interact with another on the network.
Devices on a network are commonly called nodes and are connected
by cables.
A method of testing where signals are returned by the receiver to the
originator so that they can be compared to the original data.
Loopback on a working packet network can impair transmission.
MAC address
A unique 48-bit binary number (usually represented as a twelve-digit
hexadecimal number) encoded in a device's circuitry to identify it on a
local area network.
Mb/s or Mbps
Megabits per second.
From the terms modulator/demodulator. A device that converts
between the digital signals used by computers and analog signals
that can be transmitted over telephone lines.
A group of computers, terminals, and other devices together with
hardware and software that enbable them to exchange data and
share resources over short or long distances; in partifcular, an
AsantéNet local area network.
A software system used to control all the functions of the
devices on the network.
n o d e
A device, such as a computer, server, switching point, bridge, or
gateway, connected to a network at a single location