Available accessories:
Trailer: E09311
Trailer hitch: E09313
Snow blade: E09315
Snow chains: E09316 (set)
Front lawn tires: E09318 (set)
Rear lawn tires: E09319 (set)
Spray paint 400 ml, colour orange: E04606
Adjustable seat unit: E09348
Clinometer E11835
The device cuts and shreds the plant material
in a single operation. Shredded plant material
decomposes quickly, can be utilized as
fertilizer, and, therefore, be left on the
Dispose of waste oil and fuel in accordance
with the local regulations or return it to an oil
Packaging, device, and accessories are
made of recycable materials and must be
disposed off accordingly.
The conditions of the warranty can be found
on the reverse side of your warranty card.
Send the filled-out warranty card immediately
after the purchase of your device to
“AS-Motor Germany” or the supplier.
Otherwise, the warranty is no longer valid.
Preserve the proof of purchase or the
warranty card that was filled out by the