Pump is not functioning smoothly
Adjust jet nozzle direction
Unscrew the filter from the suction fitting and clean. Never obstruct the suction filter
Make sure that pipe connections to the motor are tightened enough (tighten by hand)
It is highly inadvisable to wash your hair while the whirlpool pump is operating. Loose hair could eventually plug
or damage the pump
Jet is not functioning
Open both air controls and try again. If jet still does not work, verify that jet hole is clear of all debris.
If problem persists, contact Technical Service
Jet is leaking
Put a silicone seal around the jet body on the outside of the bathtub. If jet still leaks, contact Technical Service
Suction fitting is leaking
Put a silicone seal around suction body on the outside of the bathtub. If suction still leaks, contact Technical Service.
Water pump does not turn on
Some bathtubs are fitted with a low water detector that prevents the motor from starting if the water level is
insufficient. Fill tub with water and try again
Make sure that the electric connection between the pump, electronic box and the electronic control panel is well
established and that all fuses are functional. Reconnect if necessary
Verify that electricity is supplied to pump via electronic unit and circuit breaker/safety device (i.e. RCCB/GFCI Breaker)
Oxypool System