The adapter is now installed. To attach your Quick Hitch to the adapter, one suggested method is
to stand it up on the ground, lower the loader close to the same height and approach the Quick
Hitch from behind with the tractor. Then, just tip the Quick Hitch as needed to get the top pin
through the mounting holes. Then, lift the loader up to waist height and finish installing the two
lower attaching pins.
Attaching your 3pt implements to the Quick Hitch is nearly the same as attaching them on the rear
of your tractor. The exception is that the dump/curl circuit of your loader allows you to tip the
Quick Hitch to get the best angle for hooking the top pin.
Remember to lower the locking levers on your Quick Hitch after your implement is attached!
All safety guidelines illustrated in your tractor and loader owner’s manuals should be observed
whenever using Artillian attachments. Thank you and be safe!
Be especially cautious when back dragging with any implement. Debris can be thrown
directly at you. Proper protection should be worn and care should be taken to move slowly
and at a safe working angle to minimize this danger. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THIS COULD
Fig 2