Series Reference Manual
Page 263
Ver 2.01 TMR break function
When the break function is enabled (BRKEN=1), the CxOUT
CxCOUT are jointly controlled by OEN,
FCSODIS, FCSOEN, CxIOS and CxCIOS. But, CxOUT and CxCOUT cannot be set both to active level
at the same time. Please refer to 14-17 for more details.
The break souce can be the break input pin or a clock failure event. The polarity is controlled by the
BRKV bit.
When a break event occurs, there are the following actions:
The OEN bit is cleared asynchronously, and the channel output state is selected by setting the
FCSODIS bit. This function works even if the MCU oscillator is off.
Once OEN=0, the channel output level is defined by the CxIOS bit. If FCSODIS=0, the timer
output is disabled, otherwise, the output enable remains high.
When complementary outputs are used:
The outputs are first put in reset state, that is, inactive state (depending on the polarity). This
is done asynchronously so that it works even if no clock is provided to the timer.
If the timer clock is still active, then the dead-time generator is activated. The CxIOS and
CxCIOS bits are used to program the level after dead-time. Even in this case, the CxIOS and
CxCIOS cannot be driven to their actival level a the same time. It should be note that because
of synchronization on OEN, the dead-time duration is usually longer than usual (around 2
clk_tmr clock cycles)
If FCSODIS=0, the timer releases the enable output, otherwise, it keeps the enable output; the
enable output becomes high as soon as one of the CxEN and CxCEN bits becomes high.
If the break interrupt or DMA request is enabled, the break statue flag is set, and a break
interrupt or DMA request can be generated.
If AOEN=1, the OEN bit is automatically set again at the next overflow event.
Note: When the break input is active, the OEN cannot be set, nor the status flag, BRKIF can be
Figure 14-98
Example of TMR break function
AOEN TMR synchronization
The timers are linked together internnaly for timer synchronization. Master timer is selected by setting
the PTOS[2: 0] bit; Slave timer is selected by setting the SMSEL[2: 0] bit.
Slave modes include:
Slave mode: Reset mode
The counter and its prescaler can be reset by a selected trigger signal. An overflow event
can be generated when OVFS=0.