Insert jacks
The insert jacks are used to process the audio passed on to the A/D converter. The Insert Jacks are
wired: Tip = Input, Ring = Output, Sleeve = Ground. The input impedance is 10K Ohm and the output
impedance is 1K Ohm. The minimum input signal required to drive the A/D to clip is +12dBu (3V
Wordclock jacks
The DIGITAL MPA II offers Wordclock input on a BNC connectors. A 5V logic level signal is required
to drive the digital clock circuitry. Both BNC connectors are tied together allowing you to loop word-
clock through the DIGITAL MPA II saving cabling complexity.
ADAT Input
The ADAT input for the DIGITAL MPA II is a standard optical connector. This input is used when
synching to ADAT for timing purposes. It is also used as a data source for channels 3-8, as the
channels NOT transmitted by the DIGITAL MPA II are passed from this input to the Optical output
(when the optical output is set to ADAT mode).
Optical output
The Optical output switch selects the data source for this jack. This feature allows the DIGITAL MPA
II to output to multiple units in different formats at the same time.
In S/PDIF mode, two-channel audio is present. The data is identical to the coax and cannon digital
output connectors.
In ADAT mode the DIGITAL MPA II transmits its’ A/D data on the first two channels and passes
information from the ADAT input jack (CH3-8) on to the other channels.