1. Connect right hand (starboard)
aileron servo to aileron Y-lead.
Fit right hand (starboard) wing into
2. Slot the wing spar through the
fuselage into the right hand wing.
Connect the left hand (port) aileron
servo and fit wing.
3. Push the wing roots into the
fuselage, taking care not to trap
any servo connectors / cables.
Diamond 1100 Pro (4ch) Glider Assembly
7. Undo the release clip at the front
of the cockpit and lift to open the
battery bay. Fit the wing lock bolt to
secure the wing.
8. Insert battery into fuselage
9. Lower the throttle stick and trim
fully, turn on the the transmitter.
Connect the battery to the ESC.
10. Make sure the battery is securely
fitted and all servos are operating
correctly. Replace the canopy.
4. Secure the wings to the fuselage
using the nylon PM4x40 screw.
5. Secure the horizontal stabilizer
(elevator) to the vertical fin (rudder)
with the steel PM2x10 screw.
6. Connect elevator pushrod to
the servo arm, then connect the
clevis to the control horn.