5.2.3 Color Management Node
The Color Management node is part of the ARRILASER
image processing system. It allows the use of all features
of the Color Management through its scripting interface.
Please refer to chapter 5.5,
Image Processing Software
of the ARRILASER manual for detailed description
of the image processing itself.
The CMS node syntax
The CMS node creates a 3D lookup table from the ICC
profile specified as monitor and recorder profile.
The monitor profile is taken as input profile, the recorder
profile as output profile.
An optional gamut compression can be activated by
specifying one of the presets defined in the soft clip
configuration file.
Also, the rendering intent can be influenced by specifying
either ‘absolute’, ‘relative’, ‘perceptual’ or ‘saturation’.
For a detailed explanation of rendering intents refer to
the ICC home page
. The only intent
supported by ALICE is ‘absolute’.
Color Management