This safe has 2 opening codes from 1 to 8 digits each one: a master code
and a user code.
To close the safe, push the door and turn the knob counterclockwise.
• Press the * key + ENTER
• Press the 1 key + ENTER
• Enter the initial master code 123456 and press ENTER
• Enter the new master code (4 digits minimum and 6 digits maximum)
and press ENTER
• Repeat the new master code and press ENTER
• For your own security, it is recommended to change the opening code
while the safe door is open. If you introduce a wrong number, you can
press the * key to delete it.
C.2. PROGRAMMING USER CODE (using the master-code)
• By default the safe is supplied with user code deactivated.
• Press the * key + ENTER
• Press the 2 key + ENTER
• Enter the valid master-code (1-2-3-4-5-6 if original one has not been
changed in advance) and press ENTER
• Enter the user code (4 digits minimum and 6 digits maximum) and press
• Repeat the user code and press ENTER
C.3. CHANGING USER CODE ( without using master-code)
The change of the user code without using the master code is possible
only if the user code was set in advance by using the master code.
• Press the * key + ENTER
• Press the 3 key + ENTER
• Enter the valid user-code and press ENTER
• Enter the new user code (4 digits minimum and 6 digits maximum) and
press ENTER
• Repeat the new user code and press ENTER.
instrucciones_resist CMYK.indd 8
10/07/13 11:37