Gentworks Ltd.
The Barn, Emmington, Oxon OX39 4AA
t.0845 202 4535 f.0870 458 1884
e. [email protected] w. www.gentworks.co.uk
company registration no. 4270139
How it works.
Like many great ideas, Aridian is based around simplicity. Installed in minutes and lasting years, it requires only minimal
maintenance. Urine, which is 96% water, flows down the surface of the urinal and into the unique Sealtrap cartridge from
FALCON WATERFREE TECHNOLOGIES. The patented cartridge is made from a non-stick, non-porous material and is designed
to work like a funnel.
After being primed with water a special liquid called ALLSEAL is poured into the cartridge. ALLSEAL is mildly perfumed and
also prevents foul air from rising up from the drain and into the washroom. The patented cartridge also features an O ring,
which provides an airtight barrier between the cartridge and the urinal itself. The only maintenance required is routine
cleaning of the fixture and an easy change of the cartridge. The frequency of change is dependant on usage.
The ALLSEAL liquid floats on the top of urine in the cartridge and provides an airtight barrier between the urine and the
restroom. Urine passes through the ALLSEAL sealant which less dense than water and resettles on top of the urine to restore
the barrier between it and the restroom space.
The cartridge collects uric acid salt sediment, hair and other debris leading to clearer waste pipes and zero water waste. As
the cartridge is used, the amount of material trapped will increase. The cartridge will gradually fill with material ultimately to
the point where the drain outlet becomes blocked. When it is completely full, you will see urine pooling in the bowl or the
blue sealant will show. The cartridge should be changed immediately in either of these cases. Before the cartridge becomes
completely full, there is a noticeable reduction in the speed of drainage.