30’x30’ Celebration Erection Instructions
Step 1.
Inventory all components (All pipe is labeled for easy identification) and layout
your frame for erection.
Step 2.
Assemble S-20’s to corner & side assemblies inserting pins from outside pointing
in. Allow loop to hang on bottom. Frame should be a perfect square.
Step 3.
On one side, insert (2) C-30’s onto the corner assemblies; slide the HBA onto
C-30’s before pining the pipe to the fitting.
Step 4.
Insert the four way hub and pin onto the C-30’s.
Step 5.
Insert the last (2) C-30’s onto the corner assembly, sliding on the HBA onto C-
30’s before pining.
Step 6.
Insert C-30’s onto 4-way hub and pin. Frame should be in the shape of a pyramid.
Step 7.
Pin the HBA’s onto the C-30’s.
Step 8.
Insert the hip brace pipe onto the HBA’s and pin them. Insert HBA onto the side
assemblies and pin.
Step 9.
Attach your corner cables from side assembly to side assembly and pin. Frame is
completely put together by this step.
Step 10.
Celebration: Pull corners of tent top over frame. Catenary Celebration: in high
winds, pin strap in corners of top through bottom of corner fitting to hold on frame while
Step 11.
Lift one long side of tent and insert the uprights onto the fittings and pin. Catenary
Celebration: Simply pull out pin when lifting and insert leg and re-pin strap.
Step 12.
Lift opposite side and insert the uprights onto the fittings.
Step 13.
Pin all uprights.
Step 14.
Celebration: Fasten all buckles on inside of tent to frame. Pull buckles evenly
until top is tight on frame. Catenary Celebration: Connect ratchets to D-Rings at bottom of
each Catenary.
Step 15.
Celebration: Insert and tighten eye into the corners and long side where there is
a grommet or cutout. Then attach ratchet. Close the velcro on the split corners.