Page 1: ...ArmadaTechnologies Pro290 Wireand GableLocatorOperatingInstructions Carrying Cate Red Slel l t t l l I I s J r i r trl FoiS 1 s j l p1 t ...
Page 2: ...thebatteries aregoodandfresh The Pro290receiverbatterycompartment is locatedon the backsideof the Pro290R unit Removethe batterycompartment coverand installthe 9 volt battery Replace thecover Settinqup the Transmitter Disconnect and de energize the wire that you wantto trace Withthetransmitter off connect theredleadto thewireyouwant totraceandtheblackleadto theincluded ground stake Insert thegroun...
Page 3: ...the transmitter andthe transmitter on a beeping soundshouldbe heardindicating thatthereceiver isworking properly A highpitched tonecouldindicate thatyou aretoocloseto the receiver or yourbatteries arelow A fadingsignalindicates lowbattery The volumecontrolon the sideof the receiver regulates the loudness of the receiver Afterconnecting and turningon the transmitter and turningon the receiver point...
Page 4: ...rean example of a condition thatwouldcausean increase of signal andyethavenoproblem Also groundcondition makesa hugedifference in the perfcrrnance of cable locators Basically a path is beingcreatedfromthe transmitter throughthe cable outthrough thegroundandbackto thegroundstake Anymistake inany of theselinkswillcausethe locator to notworkproperly Be sureyourground stakeis secureandin thedirtandtha...