Installation, Operation and Maintenance - 2007.10.26- 9/12
Boiler cleaning
Burning solid fuels, even if operation is automated, normally calls for a little more care
and maintenance than oil heating. For Biomatic 20 maintenance has been minimized
as the result of well planned design and a big ash box holding 50 litres.
Ash is removed when necessary. Th
e convection parts of the boiler are to be cleaned
when the fl ue gas temperature has risen by 20-30˚C above the temperature of a newly
swept boiler.
ATTENTION! Pay special attention to the pellets quality when you receive a new delivery or when
you change supplier.
ATTENTION! Show a great care when emptying the ash as it might be glowing hot. Ash must be
kept in a
reproof container.
e following measures and checks shold be carried out when the boiler is cleaned:
• Switch off the burner an hour before service.
• Lift the soot hatch at the top of the boiler and brush clean the fl ues.
• Remove the fi xing bolts from the burner and loosen the hose and electric connec
• Pull out the burner and brush clean the walls of the combustion chamber.
• Empty the ash.
ATTENTION! Disconnect the power to the boiler before removing the protective housing
ATTENTION! Show great care when emptying the ash as it can be glowing hot.
• Pellet fuel can be manufactured from several diff erent biologically derived raw
materials. Most common is wood, but today there are several alternative materials
available on the market that are suitable for pellets manufacture.
ese raw materials have various characteristics that can be advantageous or disad-
vantageous for pelletised fuel.
Important factors that can be assessed are energy content, size, amount of fi nes,
moisture content and, last but not least, the price. We recommend that you choose
the fuel that has the lowest cost per energy unit after checking how the fuel per-
forms in the burner. Study carefully the fuel performance after new delivery.
In case of doubt, please contact us at Ariterm.
• Most of the problems that arise on account of inferior fuel quality are the result of
inadequate handling and storage before the fuel reaches the end customer.
If the fuel has high fi nes content the problem is usually due to separation
during storage or loading.
e formation of sintered ash is due to silicate contaminants (sand). Th
cannot be discovered before they are used. If you get pellets that produce
sintered ash, a claim must immediately be sent to the pellet supplier.
ATTENTION! If sintered ash is formed, the burn pot must be continuously
cleaned of sintered material (with a table spoon for example).
• Damp pellets can be the result of inadequate handling and transport.
If possible, inspect the pellets before they are unloaded to make sure that
you get clean and dry pellets and no fi nes.
ATTENTION! Damp pellets must be rejected immediately.
Raw material
Chemically untreated barkless wood
8 mm
15 to 32 mm
Volume weight
over 600 kg/m3
Moisture content
less than 10 %
Ash content
less than 0.7 weight %
Fine material content
max 4 weight %
Melting temperature of ash
> 1100 °C
Energy content
>4,75 kWh/kg