Industries, Inc.
Infrared Camera
Operating Instructions
Activates the SMARTEK diagnostic system. (See Illuminator Manual
Section 2)
Iris (ThermaView Focus)
Focuses the thermal infrared camera. Pressing and holding the
switch in either the Open or Close position will cause the thermal
infrared camera to continuously change focus from near to far to
near, etc. To focus, press and hold switch until image is in focus. If
focus point is passed, bump switch in other direction until focus is
Auto Center
Rotates and tilts head to color video image Home position (image
upright and straight ahead). If camera is in Thermaview mode,
when activated, it will switch to color video image and go to Home
STARLITE (Tractor Lift)-ThermaView Exchange
Not functional as Auto Center, STARLITE, or Tractor Lift on
PE4000. On PE4000, it toggles the camera between color video
and thermal infrared modes. If camera is in color video mode, it
will rotate head and switch to thermal infrared mode. If in thermal
infrared mode, it will rotate head and switch to color video mode.
Adjusts the focus on the color video camera only.
Image focus moves toward camera lens.
Image focus moves away from camera lens.
Not functional on PE4000
Inspection/Reinstatement Procedures
The PE4000 is connected in train with an Aries Raptor or other cutter and towed
through the liner to a footage position where a lateral was identified during the pre-lin-
ing inspection. This is normally done with the PE4000 in the color video mode. If no
evidence of the hidden lateral is visible in the color video image, toggle the camera to
970084 1004
550 Elizabeth St. Waukesha, WI 53186 1-800-234-7205 Fax 262-896-7099