4. Humidity:
There are 3 choices for humidity 50 - 60 and continuous. Press the button to set the
desired humidity. If continuous operation is selected, the dehumidifier will stop after 8 hours, it
must then be restarted. The other settings will not stop until the set humidity is reached. After
that, the dehumidifier will start the fan after 30 minutes to see if there has been more humidity
in the air.
5. Ionizer:
In this mode, the ionization is active. It can remove any odor and connects the dust
particles in the air.
6. Multifunction:
If the button is pressed once, the air damper will start going up and down. If the
button is pressed for a long time, wifi will be activated.
The Smart Life app must be downloaded to your phone to get in touch with the dehumidifier.
7. Display:
This shows an indication of humidity and will not be completely accurate.
The dehumidifier has a built-in tank, which
the water will automatically drip into.
When the tank is full, the dehumidifier will
switch off and the light for the full
container will light up. The tank must now
be removed, emptied and put back. The
dehumidifier will now restart with the
same settings it was set with before the
tank was full.
If you want to drain away the water, this
can be done via the water outlet. Make sure
the hose has a fall all the way down to the
drain. If the hose is blocked, bent or going
upwards, the water will enter the tank and
the dehumidifier will stop when the
container is full. If the hose is removed, the
water will go into the water tank.
Hose connection
Before cleaning, always switch off the dehumidifier with the power button. Wait until the fan stops running. Then
unplug the power cord. Use a soft cloth with mild soap to wipe it clean. The filter must always be vacuumed.