1. With the rear brake housing coming from the back
of the bike, guide the end of the housing through the
opening of the mechanical console cap. (1)
2. With the rear derailleur cable coming from the
front of the bike and on the right side of the bike,
guide the end of the cable through the opening of the
mechanical console cap. (1)
3. Cut the necessary length of shifter housing to cover
the distance between the hood of the shifter to the
4. Install housing cap on the end of the housing that
connect into the console.
3. Insert the housing into the insert (7) according to
Figure 2.
4. Secure the mechanical insert (7) on the console cap
(1) by pressing firmly on the insert.
5. Fix with the provided screws the console cap on the
KRYPTON GF 273A & KRYPTON CS 273B: 9. Console / E. Mechanical Single chainring
Rear brake
Rear derailleur housing