Intake coduct
False ceiling
Air intake
Outlet conduct
On the front and rear side of the unit a rectangular port
(with flange) helps during duct mounting. (fig. 2-10)
Rear and front flange for the air intake. The value included
in the brackets is referred to the model X18. (fig. 2-11)
Discarge air duct (optional accessory).
Contact the After Sale Service. (fig. 2-12)
Remove the filter and pour, inside the condensate drain
pan, 0.5 liter of water. Start the unit checking for proper
drain pump operation. (fig. 2-13)
Fig. 2-10
Fig. 2-11
Fig. 2-12
Fig. 2-13
There is a duct connection port
for drawing in fresh air.
The supplementary fan motor for outside air intake has to be supplied separately and controlled by a bipolar ON-OFF switch
with safety fuses.
Fresh air flow must be about 10% of the total air flow to avoid operating problems and noise.
• Open the knock-out hole
, fix a
120 mm flange on the unit and connect the thermically insulated duct.
• Install an outside grille with filter inspection port to prevent dust and leaves from entering and fouling the indoor unit heat
Duct for fresh air