Secure the servo arm to the rudder servo by using the screw that
came with the servo.
Install a 24”servo extension onto the elevator servo.Either tie the servo
leads together,or use a connector to secure the extension to prevent it from
coming loose during flight.
Slick540/Yak55SP/SU26M/Edge540T/Ectra330L:Install the servo in the Stabilizer section of both sides.
Yak54/Sbach342/Sbach300:Install the servos in the fuselage in precut locations on both sides.
Install the horizontal stabilizer assemblies at this time. Insert the stab
Slide each stabilizer halt onto the tube. Make sure the antiroutation
pins are fully seated.
Install four bolts (two per side). Don’t forget to use “thread lock”on the
screws before install to keep them from vibrating during flight.