begin creating the association of the button with the treat dispenser. Press
the button yourself, or have your pet press it, and then manually place a treat
in the tray of the dispenser. Repeat this a couple times without turning the
dispenser on, so your pet becomes familiar with the device and the location
of the treat tray.
5. After your pet has become familiar with the device, you may plug it in and
switch it on (or just turn it on, if you’re using it with batteries). Press the release
button yourself so that treats fall out of the dispenser into the tray. Repeat this
a few times, pressing the button yourself, until your pet becomes accustomed
to the noises the dispenser makes, and don’t worry if your pet gets spooked
at first. You can use treats to guide them back in and show them that the
dispenser is safe.
6. When your pet becomes accustomed to the dispenser and its sounds and
operation, you can attach the remote control button directly to the main
device by affixing the plastic hook section on it to one of the three slots
around the outside of the main device, or simply place the rubber holder
with the remote button next to the device. Now, you can let your pet press
the release button on their own again; you may need to repeat step 3 again
a few times with the button next to the dispenser until your pet becomes
reacquainted with the process of the treats dispensing automatically.
7. Once your pet has figured out how to press the button themselves and
receive treats from the dispenser, you can start to move the remote control
button further away from the dispenser. We recommend doing this in small
increments: move it one foot away for one training session, two feet for the
next, and so forth.
8. If you want to further increase the difficulty of this memory puzzle, you can
extend the distance between the remote control button and the dispenser
as far as up to 98
(30m), so you can even have the remote control button
and the dispenser in two different rooms. However, the remote control button
should at least be on the same floor of your house as the dispenser.
9. Using the suction cup attachment included in your package, you can even
fasten the remote control button to glass doors or other smooth surfaces (the
backside of the remote control has a slot for attaching it to the suction cup)
for more fun challenges with your pet. The peg included in your package can
also attach to the release button via the same slot as the suction cup—just not
at the same time—to secure the button in soft earth, e.g., in your backyard or
garden. This gives you a host of different options to change up the game with
your pet every time and make every session a new and exciting challenge.